The vineyards and
work in the cellar

Our vineyard has belonged to the family for centuries and organic farming practices have been used for decades. The vineyard is in the village of Los Pedrones (Requena) located north of Valencia, Spain. Due to its unique position, roughly 70 km away from the Mediterranean sea and at an altitude of 700 m, the village benefits from a continental climate with very clear seasons which are cold in winter but warm and dry in summer, tempered by the proximity of the sea.

This unique location creates a large variation in temperature between day and night in summer, conferring a certain freshness to our wines.

Although our vineyard spans over 18 hectares, we have chosen only specific plots planted with old vines, some of them over 70 years old, cultivated without irrigation and trained using goblet pruning (a traditional and ancient way to train vines). These vines give very low yields but produce fruit of outstanding quality.

Our vines are planted in clay-limestone soil which confers subtlety to our wines.

We only use three grape varieties in our vineyards: Grenache, Bobal and Tempranillo.

Our work in the cellar

As harvest-time approaches, we taste the grapes several times a week to ensure that they meet our quality criteria. In addition to tastings, we also measure several parameters such as grape sugar content, acidity or pH.

Harvesting is only carried out in the morning to ensure that when the grapes start the vinification process they are as fresh as possible. We exclusively harvest manually in 15 kg crates, selecting in the vineyard only those grapes which are perfectly mature and healthy.

In the afternoon we begin the winemaking processing with a second selection step in the cellar to remove all parts of the grape bunch which do not meet our rigorous quality requirements.

Vinification is done on each of our grape varieties separately, preserving their special character. After treading and destemming, the juice is fermented with autochthonous yeasts in temperature-controlled stainless steel vats.

Daily tastings allow us to determine the optimum maceration time and therefore the best moment to transfer the juice into barrels and amphorae where the alcoholic fermentation proceeds first, followed by malolactic fermentation.

The high quality of the selected grapes and the meticulous work in the cellar means we don’t use chemicals at any stage of the winemaking process until bottling.

To guarantee good preservation and evolution of the wine in the bottle we then add a very small amount of sulphites just before bottling.

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